kleine herzen – Association to support children from economically disadvantaged countries
Tulbingerkogel 67, A-3001 Mauerbach, Austria
Phone: + 43 664 501 38 90
Email: office [at] kleineherzen.org
Donation account: Erste Bank
IBAN: AT92 2011 1844 2251 9601
Legal form: Non-profit association
Central association Registration number (ZVR): 286027694
ZVR internet request (BM.I)>
Legislation: Law on Associations 2002, access the legal information system of the Federal (RIS) Federal Fiscal Code (BAO)
Awarded the Austrian donation quality seal since 2010
Number: 05757
Chairwoman and Founder: Pascale Vayer
Board members:
kleine herzen eV - Association for the support of needy children from countries of the former Soviet Union
Moltkestraße 22, 69120 D-Heidelberg, Germany
Email: jeannet.kiessling[at]gmail.com
Donation account: Volksbank Kurpfalz,
IBAN: DE80 6709 2300 0033 2269 85
Legal form: registered association
kleine herzen consists of two legally independent associations founded for the same purpose and goal: to support needy and orphaned children from the former Soviet Union.
The aim of the two teams: Support for underage children and young people in Ukraine.
Additional goal of kleine herzen in Austria: Support for children and young people in the children's facilities of the Future Light Organization (FLO) in Cambodia.
Online editing: Pascale Vayer, Ing. Mag. Wolfgang Januska, Mag. Julia Stering
Email: office [at] kleineherzen.org
Design and programming: Pascale Vayer
Server Hosting: next layer Telekommunikationsdienstleistungs- and Consulting Ltd.
Privacy Manager: Pascale Vayer and Wolfgang Januska
Responsible use of donations: Pascale Vayer and Mag Dr. Jeannet-Susann Kiessling.
All information, documents, articles and photographs on this website are subject to copyright. Any further use requires the express permission of kleine herzen.